This is footage shows us filling and compacting the inside of a basement excavation. The subdivision was built in an old gravel quarry and this basement was on top of old fill material that had to be dug out and then sand brought in and compacted before the foundation could be started. The sand was compacted in 12 inch lifts and tested by TEC. Hammer Trucking, Inc. supplied the Class II sand. Engineering by Washtenaw Engineering.
Michigan winters can challenge even the best excavating contractors. While we were excavating for a new sewer line, we encountered significant frost. This video is only a few seconds of the work involved, but in reality it took several hours of effort to remove the frozen ground and install the sewer line.
This video shows us backfilling a drainfield excavation. The drainfield was 20 ft deep and used approx. 1000 tons of sand to fill it. This was a replacement for a failed time of sale inspection. Thankfully this property was several acres which allowed us plenty of room to spread the excess soil that was dug out. Not all drainfield's are this involved, most are well above 20 feet deep!
This is a video of my son(Garrett) doing the Ice Bucket Challenge. My Dad (Don) is filming and I'm operating the excavator. What you don't get to see is us putting several bags of ice in the excavator bucket! He's wearing the helmet just incase all the ice has not melted. The look on his face as the water hits him is priceless!